Meet me at the apple tree...
The ingridients I used, were...
- 3/4 apples, of any kind.
- Cinnamon.
- Nutmeg.
- Brown sugar.
- Puff pastry mass.
- Little bit of butter.
The cooking was surprisingly easy, the only thing I did was to put some sheets of vegetable paper to prepare the mould. Once it was done, I started to put sheets and sheets of puff pastry mass to cover and finished it when I thought it was bulk enough.
Simple as that.
The next step was to cut the apples in to little pieces and mixed them with the cinamon and the nutmeg. Once done, I heated a little bit of butter and added it. And finally, I poured brown sugar to the mix till it got this browny delicious effect that you can see on the photography.In the end, I baked it 20 mins at 200ºC in the oven. And then decrease the temperture to 170ºC, and left it the for other 35/40 mins.
And then you hot this delicious apple pie that you can enjoy with hot black tea. Sounds good, don't you think? Thanks for reading.
That was all, lovely mandarines. I hope you're doing well and you're having a wonderful sunday, today. Lots of love.
Faithfully, Sylwia.
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