Inspiration: a self-finding journey.


There are days in which you get up and you're looking at the mirror, but... you don't like what you see... 
You're tired, and nothing is going okey. You feel uninspired, and exhausted. Just because you don't have that special spark that made who you were, yesterday. 
And you're sad, because you're not you anymore, at least that's what you feel. And you're afraid, and start being worry.
Because, if...
If, that word is crumbling your head. And you start to think. If... if maybe, you're not creative anymore,or your talent expired, or pherphaps you're failing once again...
I know perfectly how it feels, but...
Look at the mirror once again, feel yourself. Remember what made you special yesterday, embrace that.
 Read something. Fall in love with the characthers, fly over the words and feel the story.
  Explore somewhere, go on. Take your camrera or your sketch book and go anywhere. Feel the magic of being on a journey.

Draw what you see and what you're feeling. Maybe, they'll not be that pieces of art that made you crazy about life someday in the past, but look at them as if they' would be part a process.
An maybe, you'll feel that beautiful feeling that is... finding the confidence of being yourself once again.

Thank you for reading.

Faithfully, Sylwia.

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