With this idea I'm determined to share with you all my creative ideas, projects, practising and sketchbooks. Sharing with you at the end of the week, what I've been putting my time on.
If you're interested in what I do I have an instagram art account for curious beings, click on here.to see.
I always love when people leave comments on my drawings. You can't imagine what means to me. So, thank you for being as caring as you all are.
Let's start!
1.During the last week, I've realized that I naturally draw personal stuff in really small formats. So, in aim to change that, I forzed myself to use bigger sizes of papper so I can adapt more easily and be more flexible with assigments and orders. This piece you have below, is a big A3 portrait of this lady that has some resemblence to the actress Lea Seydoux.
This challenge been a very fascinating thing achieve, and I'm very happy with the result.
2. Because I'm kind of a procastinator alligator, I tend to draw things that aren't school related(guilty). My sketchbook is full of personal proyects I amuse myself on. Thrilling pages full of imaginated content where my creativity usually lays on.
Here you have a characther design I did on my own personal style of cinematographic figures, like Hermione Granger or Mathilda from, "Leon, the professional".
3. Because in school we're planning a very very very cool proyect that I've been putting blood and effort. I kind a have a lot of things to share with you.For this kind of activity I set my mind to draw as many things as possible to create a very large amount of pieces for it's visual development.This is an example of a page of my sketchbook, leaves and nature studies.
4. A few weeks ago, the lovely canadian magazine Mimp Mag (link) asked me if I could redesign them their "The Priss Club" magazine section where you can get more of their content if you're subscribed to. Things as stickers, patterns, more articles, etc.(cool, huh?).
So, they proposed me doing a logo inspired in carving stamps, homemade ones. As I accepted their proposal I ended up, carving real cool stamps for the proyect. Was extremely fun! The image you can see on the left below corner is the real carved stamp. But, as I was not so sure with the final result I decided I could vectorized the design as well, to have a even better finishing touch and more options for them to choose.